
Summary: Coupons, SMS to be most used form of mobile marketing by 2015

The following is a summary of a recent article on

A study was conducted by mobileSquared (a mobile research agency) on behalf of Airwide Solutions (a mobile and wireless infrastructure provider).

61% of wireless carriers surveyed thought coupons or vouchers would become the dominant form of mobile marketing by 2015.

“SMS is a tremendous opportunity: It is ubiquitous and works on all devices and consumers know how to use it.  SMS will be and is incorporated into various applications and will continue to be an integral part of marketing strategies.” said Jay Seaton, Chief Marketing Officer of Airwide Solutions.

58% of wireless carriers surveyed thought SMS would be the second most popular form of mobile advertising in the next 5 years, followed by search.

The study highlighted the benefits of using SMS to deliver mobile coupons, especially for the restaurant and retail industries.  However, any organization who wants to reach out to a database can benefit greatly from the quickness in which SMS messages are opened and read.

“For anyone who wants to reach out to a database, SMS becomes incredibly powerful,” said Nick Lane, Chief Strategy Analyst of mobileSquared, London.

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