
Kill the Clipboard at Your Events and Grow Your Email List Faster


NEW! We have released Join By Text, a product that makes capturing email addresses from SMS very cost-effective.  Learn more about capturing email list signups through text messaging at


The clipboard method of collecting names and addresses is a staple of events and functions.  Business owners and organizations are always eager to create a contact list of interested patrons, but this old-fashioned method of collecting email addresses is inefficient.  If a person has poor handwriting an address might be entered into a database incorrectly because it cannot be deciphered.  This results in a lot of wasted volunteer time.  Volunteers must expend precious time not only collecting addresses, but also manually compiling your contact list.

JA.TXT has this advice: Kill the Clipboard.

Text opt-ins are immediate, effortless, and accurate.  You collect not only your audience’s email addresses but their mobile number as well when they text-in their contact information.  This allows you to collect two viable means of electronic communication quickly and precisely with a minimum effort on both your part and your client’s.  At a party or business function, your base is there to socialize.  The quicker and easier you make collecting contact information, the more respondents you will have and the fuller your database of customers, clients, and fans will be!

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