Kill Fewer Trees at Your Next Event, Use SMS Marketing
This isn’t a bunch of reasons how you can be more “green” at your next event. This is three ways you can eliminate paper using text messaging. These ideas will save you hassle, help you run a better event, and make your attendees happier at the same time.
1. No more fishbowls
Not only do they collect paper they look tacky. Are you having attendees drop their business cards in a fish bowl to win a prize or get more information? And then who is wasting their day manually entering those business cards into an Excel file or CRM? Have attendees send a text message to enter the giveaway. Ask them for their email address too. Now you have two pieces of information, instantly. You can even have that information pushed into an Excel file or CRM, automatically. Why not have an email sent to them right after the event thanking them for their attendance? What can you include in that email while the event is fresh in their mind?
NEW! We have released Join By Text, a product that makes capturing email addresses from SMS very cost-effective. Learn more about capturing email list signups through text messaging at
2. Take all those clipboards and throw them away
If you’re still collecting information on clipboards you’re doing it the hard way. Instead of asking your attendees to wait around for someone to pass them the clipboard have them pull out their phone while the speaker is still talking, send a quick text message, and signup. In seconds you will have saved all that hassle of waiting for the sheet, trying to find a pen that works, and then trying to decipher their writing. Remember, you can ask them for their email address too. Then a welcome email can ask them to complete other information that will be helpful to you. The email can also link them to your social media sites.
3. Nobody likes to count votes
Does your event involve some type of voting or survey? Are you still using paper ballots? Test message voting isn’t just for American Idol. Have your attendees send a text message to cast their vote. Not only is it easier for them, they won’t be wondering around looking for the ballot box. It’s also easier for you and your event staff because the votes are counted instantly. You can announce the winners right away without rushing to count a stack of paper ballots. You can even screen the votes so each mobile number can only vote one time. Case Study – “How Text Message Voting Helped the South Side Soup Contest Run a Better Event“
Don’t Forget – Events are Great Place for Mobile Marketing
In the end not only do these tactics save trees and make your event run smoother, they also open up a few really good opportunities for mobile marketing. In any of these situations the event attendees mobile number could be saved (with consent) for future messages. In addition, the confirmation response messages could include links to a mobile landing pages and videos. For example, “Thanks for entering to win! To get a behind-the-scenes look at our latest product follow this link …”
What do you think? Are these good ideas? Do you have others?
Fire off a comment below or contact us.
This post was originally featured on Social Fresh, a site dedicated to social media and marketing education for business.
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